There are 15 towns, 9 villages, and 11 school districts in Wayne County. Each week we will feature one of them as a post card. Town, village and school district links will be continuously added and updated.
TOWNS: Arcadia, Butler, Galen, Huron, Palmyra, Lyons, Macedon, Marion, Ontario, Rose, Savannah, Sodus, Walworth, Williamson, &
WolcottVILLAGES: Macedon,
Palmyra, Newark, Lyons,
Clyde, Wolcott,
Red Creek, Sodus, & Sodus Point
SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Wayne Central (Ontario), Gananda Central (Walworth), Palmyra-Macedon, Williamson, Marion, Newark, Lyons, Sodus, North Rose-Wolcott, Red Creek, & Clyde-Savannah