Thoughts on Good Things Happening Here
August 17, 2011 - It must have been the muggy summer weather that scrambled the following text in the last Conversation, but just in case you were wondering about the identity of the fire department mentioned, it was, of course, our own Palmyra Volunteer Fire Department. A compliment is worth repeating, so let’s try it again. It should have read “High on the list of people and organizations that deserve compliments are the men and women of the Palmyra Fire Department who gave their time and energy to the regretfully unsuccessful search and rescue mission in the village last month. They worked professionally with the many police agencies involved in the search, providing the local knowledge base needed at that time.”
Congratulations to Mary Darcangelo, owner and operator of Mackenzie’s, 138 East Main Street, Palmyra, Mary and her beautiful, enticing shop were recognized by trade publication Giftbeat, in its August issue. Mary is quoted in the article as saying “My customers have made my life richer. I learn from them every day. I cannot imagine my life being any better than it is right now.” Attitude is a big component of success.
Congratulations also to the Bed Race Team from Zion Episcopal Church, Palmyra, who won the 4th annual Pillage ‘n the Village Bed Race Regatta at the year’s Palmyra Pirate Weekend, Aug. 6. I am told that scientific analysis of the P.J. requirement and weight distribution considerations were responsible for the win. Divine intervention was not a factor.
We are delighted that Ron Oates has become a member of the Palmyra Loan Committee. He brings to it his business background and extensive experience working with local business owners. This committee, modeled after the Loan Committee on the county level, works with Palmyra village business owners who apply for the low interest loans for their new or expanding businesses. The funding for these loans is through a revolving loan fund created as the result of the Governor’s Office of Small Cities grant which the village received several years ago. Money is loaned to qualified borrowers and when it is repaid, it can be loaned again to the next qualified applicant. Many local businesses have and are benefitting from this opportunity. The funding is earmarked for economic development and cannot be used to defray regular village government expenses. The expenditure of these funds has no impact on our tax levy or tax rate. Note: If you are a village business owner or are considering becoming one, contact the Village Hall, 597-4849, for information on this loan.
One of the best things about living in a small community is the help and support that occurs when there is a need. We see it all the time. People rally round because it is the right thing to do. There is an opportunity to do just that on Sunday, Aug. 21, 10 a.m.-to 6 p.m., at the Palmyra Community Center when friends and family host the Everybody Loves Lizzy Fundraiser. Lizzy, Elizabeth Spencer, is eight years old, about to be a 3rd grader in Pal-Mac Intermediate School, and is being treated for cancer. Funds raised on the 21st through a bake sale, raffle, silent auction and the sale of shirts and bracelets will go toward helping with the ongoing expenses. Search Facebook for Lizzy’s Fight for details of the day and put Aug. 21st on your calendar. I will see you there.