The Wayne County Fair opened for a week of contests, carnival, and cotton candy on Monday, August 8 with a Board of Supervisors meeting held at 10 a.m. in the Entertainment Alley big tent, where all the entertainers perform during the week.
A public hearing was held during the meeting in regard to a new local law preventing the disruption of funeral related events in Wayne County. No one spoke at the public hearing but during the board’s privilege of the floor, Jim Quinn of Sodus Point, a Vietnam veteran, spoke to the board in support of this law, recalling his experience as a soldier returning home to America where he was called a baby killer and had garbage thrown at him.
Citing the March 2011 Supreme Court decision allowing the Westboro Baptist Church protests at military funerals, Quinn said, “I would like to tell you how I really feel about Westboro Church, but I won’t do that in public.” The first amendment, Freedom of Speech, allowed this behavior at the end of Vietnam, he told the board, but he felt it should not continue today when local soldiers come home to their final resting place.
Rose Supervisor Lucinda Collier presented the law to the board for a vote, and said, “I think this is a great thing.” The law states that “full opportunity exists under the [law]... for the exercise of freedom of speech...other than within one hour prior to, during and one hour following the commencement of funerals.” It further states that it is unlawful for any person to engage in picketing within 1000 feet of any cemetery, burial plot, mortuary, crematorium, church, synagogue, mosque, or temple within the time frame noted above. Violators found guilty could face misdemeanor charges and a maximum of $1000 fine and up to one year in jail.
The law passed unanimously and will go into effect upon filing by the Office of the Secretary of State as provided by the NYS Municipal Home Rule Law. Village of Palmyra Mayor Vicky Daly later stated that the village will also be holding a public hearing on September 19 for a similar funeral protest law.
Also Discussed:
A resolution was presented by Walworth Supervisor Robert Plant regarding the request to begin contract negotiations for additional Advance Life Support (ALS) paramedics to be hired by the County to support Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance Inc. (NAVA). Jim Lee, Director of Wayne County ALS and 911 Coordinator spoke extensively to the supervisors, answering questions regarding the budget neutral claim for potentially hiring four new county employees. He also talked about the current lack of qualified personnel at the volunteer level and the desire of NAVA to have access to the County’s higher level of service. NAVA is requesting 24/7 ALS service support.
ALS paramedics are the highest trained level of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT). Typically provided with a “fly car” that allows them to arrive before a traditional ambulance, “They support all the emergency management services in the county,” Lee said. The estimated budget cost is $300,000 annually that would potentially be partially offset by private insurance, self-insured patients, and Medicare / Medicaid payments. WCALS currently has 5 FT paramedics and 10 PT that cover 4 county bases in Marion, North Rose, Walworth, and Sodus. Newark would be the first 24/7 base in the county. Last year, ALS responded to 2,431 calls county-wide.
Macedon Supervisor Bill Hammond and Wolcott Supervisor Kim Parks were most vocal in opposition to the county adding the cost of new employees to the budget, with ballooning benefits packagaes, when private companies could be equal in quality as a support service provider to NAVA . “With a 2% tax cap looming in the background,” Parks said, “Anytime you add costs to government, the dollars have to come from somewhere.”
Ontario Supervisor Robert Kelsch and Arcadia Supervisor Dick Colacino both were in favor of the concept. “We may have to revisit this in two years,” Kelsch said, “But let’s provide good service while we figure it out.”
The resolution passed with dissenting votes from Spickerman (Butler), Groat (Galen), Crane (Huron), Manketlow (Lyons), Hammond (Macedon), Miller (Palmyra), Collier (Rose), Hoffman (Williamson), and Parks (Wolcott).