Dennis Taber
Dennis Taber points to his record on the Board of Trustees when asked why voters should return him to office for a second term. Taber says he was the driving force behind the termination of the Village of Sodus’s contract with Severn-Trent Environmental Services, the company that was running its water and sewer facilities.
“We brought the management of that facility into village management,” Taber says. Though the village paid Severn-Trent $30,000 in August to discontinue the contract, Taber says the action will save $97,000 this fiscal year, and $127,000 next year.
Taber also points with pride to other steps the Board has taken to fix parts of the village of Sodus’s infrastructure during his time on it, including repairs to its sewer system. “We’ve fixed about 4,000 feet of sewer line,” he says. “We’ve repaired numerous drainage projects by putting in more catch basins and drainage areas in the roads.”
Taber, who is the Board’s liaison with the Village of Sodus Highway Department, says that if reelected he hopes to improve road maintenance in the coming years, he says. “I’d like to increase the continuous maintenance of our road infrastructure, with more drainage construction projects to continue to maintain our roads,” he says.
Taber is CEO of Hickory Ridge, Inc, an Albany-area development firm, though describes the firm is “not very active,” and himself as “semi-retired.” The 47-year-old is married, and the father of three.