Publishing Local Community News for northern Wayne, Cayuga and south-west Oswego County along the shores
of Lake Ontario, New York, USA

Wayne County Chairman's Corner

On July 14, Supervisors Jody Bender, Ken Miller, Steve Leroy, Laurie Crane, and I, along with Sheriff Barry Virts had an enjoyable lunch at the annual Senior Citizens Action Council’s (SCAC) picnic at Forman Park in Pultneyville. Seniors interested in joining the SCAC can contact Bea Valcore at 589-2705.

On July 26, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the formation of the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council during a press conference at Monroe Community College. The Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council is one of ten Regional Councils statewide created to drive local economic development and improve the business climate statewide. The Council is charged with developing an economic plan for the nine-county region of the Finger Lakes that will compete with the other regions for $1 billion in grants, tax credits and other funds. The top four regions will each receive $40 million; the remaining six will share $40 million. Funding will be used for projects that are a part of the regional strategy. Regional plans for economic development must be submitted to Albany by their respective Councils no later than Nov. 14.

Lieutenant Governor Bob Duffy will chair the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council - President Joel Seligman of the University of Rochester and CEO Danny Wegman of Wegman’s Food Markets are the co-chairs.  There are 20 official members and 12 ex-officio members. Arcadia Supervisor Dick Colacino and I are members. Supervisor Colacino was appointed as member to represent a municipality with the largest population within a county. I was selected to represent Wayne County. I am looking forward to participating to the fullest extent in this statewide initiative.

On July 30 I was honored to participate in the opening ceremonies for the Sampson Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Seneca County.  The Cemetery is located at what was a Navy training base for over 400,000 sailors in World War II and later used by the Air Force to train over 300,000 airmen during the Korean Conflict. Senator Mike Nozzolio led this project which took over 14 years to be completed. Williamson resident Orlo Plyter was one of the few World War II Sampson graduates in attendance who were recognized during the ceremony before approximately 1,200 attendees. Mr. Plyter is the Williamson American Legion Post #394 Historian and is very active in veterans issues.
Sampson Navy Base was named after Rear-Admiral William T. Sampson, who was born in Palmyra in 1840. He had a distinguished career with the Navy being at one time Superintendent of the Naval Academy.  

On Saturday, Aug.13, from at 8 a.m. until noon, the Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District and Save Our Sodus will sponsor an educational seminar at the Sodus Point Fire Department. The seminar will focus on the current conditions of Sodus Bay and how participants can be good stewards of our watershed. Breakfast will be available from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. to benefit the Sodus Point Fire Department.   

Dr. Greg Boyer, a biochemist and an expert in the ecology of biologically-active natural products produced by plants, algae and bacteria, will speak about the efforts of his team to address water quality issues regarding the Bay and will provide a snapshot of present conditions. A team of educators and elected officials will also participate in this very informative seminar. The event is open to the public and anyone with an interest in water quality is encouraged to attend.

Thanks to the Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation District there now is a hotline you can call regarding water quality issues and the planned locations for the Aquatic Vegetative Control Program (weed harvesting) -  315-759-3097.

The Wayne County Fair begins this week on Monday the 8th, going through Saturday the 13th. I am pleased to have been selected as the parade’s Grand Marshal. The parade is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there!