August 17, 2011 - So, it’s God’s fault, is it? Or maybe it’s a
question of God not paying attention. After all, isn’t that often one
of the topics of conversation when tragedy strikes? Ever heard anyone
say, “Well, if God really loves us, how could He have allowed this to
happen?” Sure you have. I’ve heard it many times. “Why did God let my
wife, husband, son, uncle, die, or get sick, or get killed in a freak
Isn’t there a bigger question here? Isn’t it really
one that can be phrased, “Does God care?” Our congregation at Hope, Red
Creek, discussed that on Sunday morning. The third reading for the day
was about a woman who had a very sick daughter and asked Jesus for help.
It’s in the Gospel of Matthew. You may remember it as the story in
which Jesus tells her that it’s not right to throw the children’s food
to the dogs. Her brilliant answer is that even the puppies get to eat
the food that drops to the floor.
Interpretation varies, but the
one that makes the most sense is that she’s not being shut out. Despite
the surface appearance that Jesus is being inconsiderate, it’s a stark
lesson in endurance. You see, the implication of wanting God to
guarantee a life free of pain is that it would rob us of independence.
The moment a dilemma arose, God would be Johnny-on-the-spot to erase the
details. The upshot of that is that we’d never be able to use the gifts
of our brains and talents to figure out something for ourselves. We’d
end up weak, robotic and without confidence or strength of character.
doesn’t mean we are left to our own devices, and it certainly doesn’t
imply that God watches from the sidelines as we flounder and shout for
help. Like the little kid who gets tossed into the lake to force him to
learn to swim, it would be a cruel sink-or-swim situation. Contrary to
what some would think, God doesn’t work that way. He is a God that
cares. He doesn’t watch from afar and twiddle His thumbs.
All of
this has to be read against the background of God’s nagging silences. He
doesn’t hop to it whenever we’re in trouble. We do so want relief,
don’t we? Certainly there are moments when God intervenes and makes
dramatic shifts in circumstances. Frequently, however, what we hear is
God saying, “Come on, I gave you life; I gave you ability. Use that,
and I’ll be with you as you think about and work at it.” He does show
His concern.
Do you want proof? Well, let me delve into my Christian beliefs and
come with an answer that fits the question. I believe that the coming of
His Son says that He knows what goes on in our lives. It makes it
personal, and it shows He cares.
Ask the puppies that scrounge for that crumb on the floor. They expect it.