Publishing Local Community News for northern Wayne, Cayuga and south-west Oswego County along the shores
of Lake Ontario, New York, USA

Fair Haven - Hello Neighbors

Nancy Webster | Contributing Neighbor
Thank goodness the weather here has cooled down and that dang humidity is about gone. Won’t be long and the leaves will be turning color. Gosh almost the end of August.

Remember this weekend, starting Thursday, the 19th, the Hannibal Field Days start beginning with their parade on Thursday evening, always a good time there.

Celebrating birthdays this week are Carol Myers, Ed Robinson, Debbie Gillette, Sally Brown, Steve Hisel, Harris “Brownie” Brown, Sue Sawyer, Sylvia Elliott, Jack Hayes, Kacie Borland, Martha Childs and my buddy Walt Krehling.

Celebrating anniversaries this week are Diane and Mike Roden, Penny and Terry Lozier, Darryl and Mary Beth Utez, and Bill and Gayle McVea who will be celebrating their 57th on Aug. 21.

Sympathy to the families of Mark Fitzgerald who passed away this past week. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Thank You
I received a note from Mert Mahaney asking me to thank everyone for all the cards, calls and support he has received since the passing of his wife. Everyone and everything has been greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to newlyweds Robbie Hall and Jen Truax who got married over on Downy Point Saturday afternoon before heading to Fulton to the Oasis for their reception. Understand everyone had a great time.

Central Park News
Mayor Bill McVea tells me that plans are being made by the Architectural Review and Beautification Committee to replace the existing wooden benches in Fair Haven’s Central Park. You can memorialize your family, business or a loved one by purchasing a bench and having a plaque placed on it. Examples of the benches can be viewed at the Fair Haven Village Hall. For more information, call the Village of Fair Haven at 947-5112.

The Fair Haven Commemorative Park committee wishes to thank everyone in the community who made donations and who came out in support of the Comedy Auction fundraiser held at O’Connor’s Pub.  Thanks to all the terrific donations the fundraiser was great fun and a huge success. The event raised over a $1,000 for the park.  With Phase III of the walkway near completion, the committee will be working on it’s next project “A Village Clock.”   A big thanks to Tim Lowden who organized the event and has done so much for our village park.  Congratulations to Ed and Marcia Robinson, the winners of the Brick Drawing.

Upcoming events
Don’t forget the Spaghetti Dinner the firemen are hosting. Saturday, Aug. 20, 4 p.m. - ‘til. Good groceries and good company. Always get your money’s worth at these functions, while helping to support your local fire department. Hope to see you there.

Sterling Nature Center
Learn about Owls: Rulers of the Night on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 8 p.m. They end the summer Wednesday Wildlife series with the popular and fascinating summer owl prowl. Discover how owls rule the night by exploring their adaptations, hunting skills, where they roost and how to find them. Then take a stroll through the night in search of the interesting and elusive predators.

The following is just a reminder, mark your calendars Annual International Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Think globally and act locally in support of your environment. Join the Sterling Nature Center in cleaning up the Lake Ontario shore. If you can not make it to the Sterling Nature Center then visit the American Littoral Society’s website,, or call 1-800-449-0790 to find other beach cleanups throughout the state.

 Annually, over 7,000 volunteers clean and document about a quarter million pounds of debris across NYS. At SNC they collect over 200 pounds of litter along the two miles of shoreline with the help of volunteers like you. Refreshments will be provided after the work is done. Rain Date Sunday, Sept 11.

Fall LOC
The Fall LOC kicks off on Aug.19 and runs to Sept.5.There are four divisions: salmon, Lake trout, Rainbow/Steelhead and Brown. They are awarding $20,100 to the lucky angler who enters the largest fish. A registration fee is charged.
From all I hear the fishing has been excellent this summer. Check at Screwy Louie’s for more info and all your fishing needs.

Sterling Silver Swingers
Sterling Silver Swingers will meet this coming Thursday, Aug. 18 at the Fair Haven Community Church at 6 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service.

Summer Almost Over
Do you realize that the Great New York State Fair begins in a week and a half. I can always tell summer is over by when it is time for the fair. Always ends on Labor Day and then the little darlings head back to school right after.
Thanks to everyone who has helped look after the village restrooms this season. With all your help and the help of the video camera about town, it sure has helped curb the vandalism.  

Please remember all of our soldiers and their families in your prayers and pray for the end of the war and their safe return.
Have a great week and remember to call me with all your news items. Thanks